Sunday, March 1, 2015

I attended a mind blowing talk with Kevin Honeycutt last week and he made a very convincing point about teachers telling our stories.  I've been thinking of starting a blog, but have hesitated because who really wants to read what goes on in my head and in my classroom?  Kevin really made me think: if I don't put it out there, no one can read it.  And if I do just go for it and start posting, maybe, just maybe, someone will come across it and find something of use or some inspiration on a tough day.

Well, here it goes!


  1. You just might be surprised what happens.

    I always wonder how so many people who make the path through our educational system come out with this internal notion of "who really wants to read what goes on in my head and in my classroom?"

    Kudos to you for trying and to Kevin for spreading the word.

  2. There are so many good ideas that never get spread because we just assume everyone must "already know". So spread some ideas! The ones people know about they'll say -- hey, I do that too! The ones they don't may change their practice.

    So I'm assuming the blog name is a reference to "Somewhere"? If so, tough question -- original broadway cast recording, or Tom Waits cover?

    1. Thank you for your insight!

      Although it could've come from so many places, I chose There's a Place for Us because it is the title of a Carrie Underwood song that I love. I really like that it's so open in what it could mean to whoever comes across it.

  3. Hi there, I see you've already written more posts :) that's great, and I agree with Mike's comment, so won't repeat it. But I will also add that blogging has made me a more reflective teacher and person, and I hope it can help you with the same.

  4. Hi Emeri!

    Keep going never stop.

    Share your voice.

    Every voice counts no more or no less than any other.



  5. Hi Emeri,

    What all these wise ones said--and how! I was the biggest educator blogger skeptic walking just three years ago, and now I can't imagine my life without it. Here's an example of a post that I started two years ago, and I'm still spinning on these ideas.

    Only now I've connected with random strangers, and a few have become friends as a result of this work. It's so worth it. Learning is really hard, and teaching is a tougher gig still--share your work:)

  6. Emeri,

    Please keep writing! Your voice is so valuable in its uniqueness, authenticity and energy. Your ideas are so helpful to your teaching peers, especially new teachers. I'm forwarding your blog to our new teacher institute.

  7. Welcome to the blogosphere!

    It's hard to tell where readers will come from for any given post. They can surprise you.

    Signed, someone always fascinated by classes

  8. I totally agree with what everyone here has said. When I work with faculty at my university, I'm always so excited when they start blogging. It's a form of reflective practice that is so important in many types of work but especially so in education. The fact that you publish it and put it out for the world to see is a form of scholarship that should be commended. So, good for you! Keep up the writing!

  9. Please write. We need to help students become thoughtful citizens and not just passive consumers of corporate propaganda. To do that requires students to learn to write in public. And for that to happen, they need to see us do it too! So welcome to Blogosphere Society of Teachers Using Their Outside (the classroom) Voice!

  10. The Internet is a big place. If you're not trying to filling up with good things you're not doing your duty. The Internet needs you.

  11. A little late to the concert, but please add my voice to the choir above. I began blogging in 2004. It was the start of a practice that has repaid me many times over in friends, connections, ideas, some paying gigs (!), and most importantly, a journey of self-discovery that has connected with many other folks on similar journeys.

    Start it, stick with it, tweet it out, comment on other blogs, link to other blogs. Be the network you seek! You will have a perspective on our shared work that no one else will have, and we will all be the better for your sharing that perspective--that story.

    I've always found this excerpt from Scott Rosenberg's book on blogging to be particularly resonant. You may find it helpful as well. (I think the whole book is well worth reading, too.)

    And yes, welcome to the blogosphere!

  12. Talking about technology ... I think Google swallowed up the poem I left for you ... here is the podcast, at least ... I lifted a line from your post and carved a poem out it as a gift.
    Kevin (H, but that H)

  13. In reality, whole IMPORTANT posts you write will go by without anyone bothering to comment. Happens to me of the time. But you gotta do the work. If you read Steven Pressfield's Turning Pro, you'll see it doesn't matter. You gotta do the work.
